casey almost died adventure! part 2

They told me I was going to have pretty sore arms for the next few days since they didn't have time to be gentle with me, and I said that was ok since I was alive. After about an hour, the liquids really started to hit me, and I had to go pee. I went to the bathroom on my own and then made my way back to the bed. A few minutes later, a nurse came in and asked me if I was ok. I asked her what had happened to me. She told me I had had a vasovagal and then hyperventilated. Basically, my blood pressurehad dropped suddenly

and my heart ratehad become irregular. This caused me to almost pass out, which made me hyperventilate. The two together resulted in that rapid loss of control of my nervous system, which was pretty crazy-go-nuts. I told her that I needed to go pee again, and she walked me to the bathroom.
After that, I got my prescription things taken care of at the pharmacy part, which was 70 antibiotic pills, 50 ibuprofen, and 100 Tylenol to treat the bacterial infection and take out my fever, respectively. The blood work I had done had lots of immature white blood cells floating around kicking ass. This pointed to a bacterial response, not a viral one which would be the flu. I thought it was just my immature nature coming to form on the cellular level. I then had the task of lying down for what seemed forever on the plastic sheet they used to cover my soft "bed."
Andy finally showed up when that nurse-in-training led him in the room and said that he could take her home now. That's right, her. She thought Andy was there to get the girl in the bed next to mine, and Andy, seeing the error, said, "Oh, I'm here to get that Casey." To the nurses' credit, the girl's name was Kelsey, and they had been calling me Casimir the whole day, but it's a good thing they had taken him there or he would have never found me.
We went back to Andy's room and talked about things for a while, and then I went back to my room. Alone. I called my parents and learned that they have used hyperventilation as a very healing and beneficial process in rebirthing ceremonies. What a bunch of hippy crap. I tried to make what happened to me sound as life threatening as humanly possible and then got off the phone with them. The rest of the night I took my medications and felt reasonably well.
The next day I went to both my earlier classes and then went into the health center again for the checkup I was supposed to do first thing in the morning. The waiting room was packed full, about three times as busy as when I went in the first time. When I got there at about 3:30, they didn't even have walk in appointments anymore, and so I went to the desk with the intent to use my newfound fame. I merely said, "Hello, I'm here for my checkup. I was told to home here first thing in the morning." The lady looked at me skeptically. "I was the one who had the vasovagal and the paramedics came and everything."
"Oh, I wasn't here but I heard about that. Wait over there for me." I sat down in the waiting room, and after about two minutes one of the nurses in the observation room recognized me through the large window. They all looked up and waved to me, and I shyly waved back. She popped her head out the door and told me to come on back. About half the people stirred and got an expression of "WTF!!??" while I was whisked past any bureaucratic waiting crap. They checked my vitals a final time and released me in good health.
The total cost of the whole fiasco? $7.60. That's right, through the beauty of public education, I only paid for the medication I purchased. Oh, and the girl who saved mein the waiting room ended up being in my Government class. What a small, unhealthy world we live in.

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