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This section will list infractions people commit that should cause you to dock them points. They cover a wide range of penalties; anywhere from taking off a few points for bad picture quality to knocking somebody down to a 1 simply because you hate them for who they are. It's not quite as long as the "bonuses" list, but it's the quality that counts.
INFRACTION #1: THE JACKASS FRAT BOY Look at this guy. Now, we don't have a problem with drinking here (quite the contrary, in fact), but this guy is just a fucking ass. It's like he's trying to say, "Look at me, I am imbibing various types of alcohol SIMULTANEOUSLY! WHOOOOOOOO!" or something to that effect. We here at badicalextreme.com fucking HATE frat boys, and you should too. (Yes, Casey is in a frat. We fucking hate him too, and he hates himself.) If, while playing the Am I Hot or Not? Game you come across ANY person who you suspect may be a member of a fraternity, give them a 1. No two ways about it. This rule is THE rule. It is carved in stone, no other rule can override it. Next.
INFRACTION #2: THE YUPPIE Case #2. This one's pretty easy also. The black turtleneck, the smug expression, the hair... fuck, this guy probably drives his Lexus/Mercedes/BMW/VW New Beetle to the Gap to buy all his clothes, then makes a stop at Starbucks on the way home for a tall latte double cappucino mocha iced whatever the fuck you want to call it. This guy is to blame for the pussification of America. He gets a 1.
Take a look at the two pictures above. Now, these don't look like the kind of people that should be hated for no reason. In fact, the women on the left seems nice, and she's also fairly attractive. However, these pictures aren't being docked points because of the people; they're being docked because the pictures themselves suck my left nut. The picture on the left sucks because whoever uploaded it didn't have a clue about something we in the industry call "cropping". This image could have had a shorter load time and been more centered without the ridiculous border if it were cropped properly. Not a major infraction, but annoying nonetheless. Now, for the picture on the right; how can you tell if somebody is "Hot" or "Not" with an image this size? Christ, I'm having a hard time telling if it's a man or a woman. The hair is long, the features look vaguely manish, but you just can't tell. By the way, we found it under the "women" section, so the subject is, obstensibly, female. Tough to tell at this size though. Other infractions of this type include bad lighting, poor resolution, etc. You don't always have to give a person a 1 for poor picture quality, but you should at least be sure to dock them a few points.
INFRACTION #4: THE GUY WITH NO SHIRT "Look at me, I'm fucking cool because I'm not wearing a shirt, and I am most certainly all that!" Please. Give me a fuckin' break. Yeah, show us those muscles, man! It's not the fact that the guy is shirtless... the annoying thing is that he thinks that makes him cool. He thinks the ladies will love him because he has no shirt. The really annoying thing is that people without shirts consistently score higher than people with shirts. We need you, our faithful readers, to do something about this. Because, frankly, the only way this guy could ever be considered "Hot" is if the reflection of the sun off of his pasty white skin somehow became so intense it blinded you and then caused your eyeballs to burst into flame. And I don't really see that happening. Anyhow, arrogant jackasses who think going shirtless makes them cool get a 1.
INFRACTION #5: TOO MUCH PHOTOSHOP! Okay, this one is a relatively minor infraction, but it still bugs the hell out of me. In the first picture, the woman is wearing a zebra-themed outfit. She is relatively attractive. She probably could have earned a fairly decent rating. However, the use of Photoshop in this context just bugs the fuck out of me. I'm not one to talk, since I use Photoshop a whole lot. In fact, I'm the resident BadicalExtreme.com Photoshop Expert. But this is a horrible misuse of a wonderful program. We're here to look at people, not some fucking exotic background and "zany" quote. Using Photoshop like this is just dumb. And what's worse, it's fucking trite. Now, the second picture also bothers me. You see a lot of these; group pictures where the person who is supposed to be rated is either denoted with an arrow, or, in this case, by blocking the other person out. The fact that the person couldn't be bothered to take a picture BY THEMSELVES is annoying as it is; but also, we're left wondering about the second person. Is she attractive? We want to see her. Also, why was she removed from the picture? Was it done simply to make it obvious who we were supposed to rate, or is there another motive? An ex-girlfriend, perhaps? Maybe they're still dating, and she simply didn't want to be seen with the kind of jackass who posts his picture on amihotornot.com. Neither infraction necessarilly means an automatic 1; as a general rule, dock 5 points for Photoshop use.
INFRACTION #6: UNDERAGE Look, people, the rules on www.hotornot.com EXPLICITLY state that all subjects must be at least 18 years of age. The idea is, you're supposed to be rating people on HOW MUCH YOU WANT TO HAVE SEX WITH THEM. So why the fuck are you posting pictures of your 12-year-old kid on here? No offense to the kid, but this is a violation of the rules. So, if you see somebody underage, give them a 1 every time. You've got to send the message somehow.
INFRACTION #7: CAUSE I'M A MODEL, YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN Now, you might say I'm being bitter here. You might say I'm "playa-hating". But that doesn't change the fact that I'm giving this pretty boy a big fat 1 and if you don't do it too I'm going to call you a pansy.
INFRACTION #8: EMINEM *Wikka Wikka* My name is Slim Shady... yo yo yo, what up my niggaz? D-12 in the HIZZOUSE!! Yep, that's right. Remember how I said that Infraction #1 was THE rule? I lied. THIS is THE rule. This guy disgusts me. I look at somebody like this and I just can't help thinking about all the other things that could have been made with that much carbon. Now, I'm not saying this because I don't like rap. You may be suprised to hear this, but I actually enjoy rap to an extent. But just look at this guy, for Christ's sake. Odds are, he's from some happy white suburban neighborhood with picket fences and all that shit. I used to live in a town like that, where white kids walk around wearing Fubu all the time. But now I live in Long Beach, and here in Long Beach we LAUGH at people like that. I'd just love to see this tough guy dropped right into the middle of Inglewood some night with nothing but his gold chains and his $200 shoes to protect him. Marshall here is the WORST kind of poser imaginable. Give him a 1, then hit the BACK button on your browser and give him another one.
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