The Iron
Casey's Face Game
1. Locate any nearby Caseys. They can be found lurking around
Parkside Commons and Sunnydale Preschool. The dopier the grin
he bears, the more prestigious the kill.

2. Lure your target towards you with promises of candy and booze.
Be certain that the iron is concealed from plain view.

3. Introduce Casey to the ironing board. Try to convince him it
is comfortable and that he should give it a try. If he is reluctant,
here is your chance to be creative. For example, convince him
it is the prototype for a futuristic face massager, or that it
is possible to hear the ocean by putting your ear up to it.

4. Casey may be wary while approaching the ironing board. Now,
you must be swift. Quickly push his face towards the board while
positioning the iron.

5. As you're preparing to scald his face, encourage him. Tell
him he's doing a good job. In the long run, this will strengthen
your relationship with him, allowing more future ironings to take

6. Should Casey spot the iron before you are ready to administer
pain, assure him it is unplugged. Upon preparing for the final
step, hope the "Electric Socket Fairy" lends you a hand
for a fiver.

7. Iron his ugly, fat head.

8. Through agreement between yourself, Casey, and the Electric
Socket Fairy, attain a numeric score from one to ten based on
the time it took to complete the game, the amount of effort put
into it, and the number of blisters acquired through the ironing.
Compare scores with friends to compete, or compare scores with
strangers to make new friends!